Don't spend time learning to speak the language. if your goal is simply to learn to read and write japanese fast, you will only slow yourself down if you get an audio learning course or take a class where you will practice conversational japanese. it is possible to learn the language without having to speak it.. If you want to get really good at the language, and really know how to read and how to write in japanese, you need a higher-order strategy. the number one strategy that i used to reach a near-native ability in reading and writing in japanese was to learn the kanji within the context of dialogues or other texts.. Learning and teaching japanese. teachers and students can use these comprehensive japanese language guides to improve reading, writing, and comprehension skills for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels..
You need to learn to read japanese, right? but you ve found out that hiragana is the first stage and it s got you worried! relax. you ve probably heard about mnemonics for learning vocabulary in a foreign language and wanted to know more. well, the good news is that a similar technique works for learning hiragana too.. Duolingo is the world's most popular way to learn a language. it's 100% free, fun and science-based. practice online on or on the apps!.