Japanese language and culture blog. navigation. japanese language and culture blog. navigation. i’m about to explain the japanese volitional form to you and once i’ve finished this post let’s reward ourselves by going out to eat learn japanese with books: 6 fail-proof steps to reading in japanese. Kongregate free online game let's learn japanese! hiragana - want to learn to read japanese? hiragana is where it starts! this game teaches you all 46 hir.... play let's learn japanese! hiragana. Today, we will continue to learn more hiragana’s. i will cover specificially, dakuon(だくずん) & han-dakuon(はんだくずん) today. dakuon(だくずん) & han-dakuon(はんだくずん) are just different type of sounds in japanese..
For more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/let%27s_learn_japanese if you want to download this video, check our blog: http://everything-about-japan.blogspot.... Hy guys, this blog is about japanese. you can learn or find some information about japanese here. you can learn or find some information about japanese here. all the materials here i got from the classes and some of my japanese books.. 26 videos play all let's learn japanese - basic ii all about nippon japanese vocabulary you'll never forget 言語学習 (bts 2/3) - duration: 6:39. kemushichan ロレッタ 32,062 views.