Learn to read basic japanese hiragana in just one day with dr. moku's learning system! perfect for the complete beginner, young or old, this is the fun and foolproof way to master the first. New version with better examples: learn japanese hiragana in 90 seconds! after this short video, you will be able to read your first word in japanese with dr. moku. new physical flash card deck available on amazon.com https.... Dr. moku strives to make learning painless and effective so you have more time to create your own fun. dr. moku was founded in 2010 with the release of hiragana mnemonics. read your first few words of japanese in about 90 seconds by using memory tricks. hiragana mnemonics..
You need an account, sir. why don't you have one already?. Japanese hiragana. learn+all+hiragana+in+1+hour+how+to+write+and+read+japanese. this is your ultimate compilation to easily master japanese hiragana in 1 hour!. Perfect for the complete beginner, young or old, this is the fun and foolproof way to master the first essential step in learning japanese. with dr. moku you can automatically and effortlessly master hiragana without even trying. in less than one day you will be able to learn and recall hiragana and katakana..